Saturday, September 5, 2009

Racing to Madness

I love to watch races of any kind. When in high school I loved to run in distance races. I like to watch horse races, and again when I was young I rode a few horses at a "bush track" in 1/4 mile races. Nascar is fun to watch.

But our nation is in a race to destroy itself. It began long ago when we as a nation allowed the destruction of our ethics and moral structure. And now, we are paying the price and we are racing against ourselves to destroy our great nation.

The statements of Congresswoman Dianne Watson praising Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, the outrageous statement of Van Jones, an advisor to President Obama, saying among other things that whites in America are poisoning minorities, whites are spraying those who harvest many of our crops with poison, and other outlandish statements.

All across the country American people are angry at emerging Marxists, crooked politicians (Larry the Cable Guy says that 99% of politicians give the rest a bad name), and evil men and women in power. But we should be angry at ourselves.

We have allowed the theft of our great American way of life by remaining silent, by ignoring the creeping power that is now snowballing into the great American theft of our country.

Churches and school systems are perhaps to most guiltly. Churches have cowed to the threat of the IRS removing their tax exemptions. Schools have hastily retreated under the threat of the ACLU to sue the school systems for "religious activity". The lastest example is in Florida where a Principal and Coach are facing jail time for leading in saying grace before a meal honoring scholl employees.

Christians must understand that our values built this country and will hold it together. School leaders must understand we can do with out federal money. In several states our children are dropping out of school at the rate of 50%. I am a substitute teacher and we have children in the 8th grade who cannot read.

It doesn't take federal money to teach children to read, write, and do arithmetic. It doesn't take federal money to teach our childen honor and respect for others and for themselves.

Our prisons are full and growing larger every day.

Christians will suffer in the very near future in a way we never dreamed possible. I'm talking about the United States. Christians, tell your pastors to speak clearly on Biblical principles and not back down. If you lose your precious tax exemption, lose it. I don't believe people give to a church or ministry for tax exempt purposes. It they do you don't need their money.

How can we make a difference. How can we take back America? By changing one heart at a time, by becoming active in our small world and together we can take back America and win the race.

The starter's gun is raised. Get ready.


  1. I agree! If we don't stand up now, we may not be able to get back up!

  2. Amen and Amen. We must stand up in HIS Strength for HE conquered sin & death and that makes us OVERCOMERS!! We are in a WAR, and we know the rest of the story...IN CHRIST we win...CHARGE!!!Vivian
